Download SbotControl indir - Program

19 Ara 2024
Tepkime puanı
After Sbot version 2 i decide to create small manager with less features

Why SbotControl is SAFE?
because you don't have to pass any important information about your accounts

* How to use
A- like any manager SbotControl have Account Tab, just enter Char Name, Active, Bot Path And Group
you have to manage your username/password inside bot it sel
B- Now Press Start to begun the control

1- Account Manager Tab
Here you can Add/Modify your Account infomation

2- Online Bots Tab
Here you can manage your online bots

3- Output Tab
Here you can see your bots status history

4- Bot Log Tab
Here you can see all your bot logs

5- Options Tab
Here you can change control options like Auto Start Property beside some themes

6- History Tab
Here you can see all your history/Status


7- Char Status
By right click any char and select "Show Details" you can see more information about selected char

8- World Map
Here you can find every char
position on silkroad map

9- Advanced World Map
Here you can find every char
position on a advanced tiled map destined as Openstreetmap
And Projection as Mercator projection
map world re-sized to (85.1 * 2) and (180 * 2)

* Download Links

Require Microsoft .Net Framework 4 or later required

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